- Mandible :
Body of mandible
- Body of mandible:
- Base of mandible:
- Mandibular symphysis:
- Gnathion:
- Mental protuberance:
- Mental tubercle:
- Superior mental spine:
- Inferior mental spine:
- Genion:
- Mental foramen:
- Oblique line of mandible:
- Digastric fossa:
- Mylohyoid line:
- Sublingual fossa:
- Submandibular fossa:
- Alveolar part of mandible:
- Alveolar arch of mandible:
- Dental alveoli of mandible:
- Interalveolar septa of mandible:
- Interradicular septa of mandible:
- Alveolar yokes of mandible:
- Retromolar triangle:
- Retromolar fossa:
Ramus of mandible
- Ramus of mandible:
- Angle of mandible:
- Gonion:
- Masseteric tuberosity:
- Pterygoid tuberosity:
- Inferior alveolar foramen:
- Lingula of mandible:
- Mandibular canal: it is a canal that runs inferior to the alveoli and opens on the internal surface via the mandibular foramen. (1)
- Mylohyoid groove:
- Coronoid process of mandible: The coronoid process is the thin triangular process situated on the anterior part of the mandible’s ramus upper end. (1)
- Temporal crest:
- Mandibular notch:
- Condylar process:
- Mandibular condyle:
- Neck of mandible
- Pterygoid fovea: